SQL语句出错:select count() as row_count from `products` where 1 and Attr REGEXP '"218":\[[0-9\,"]*"(16)"[0-9\,"]*\]' and Attr REGEXP '"101":\[[0-9\,"]*"(3|9|7|2)"[0-9\,"]*\]' and Attr REGEXP '"216":\[[0-9\,"]*"(4|7)"[0-9\,"]*\]' and Attr REGEXP '"227":\[[0-9\,"]*"(10)"[0-9\,"]*\]' and (CateId in(select CateId from products_category where UId like '0,387,264,%') or CateId='264' or ExtCateId like '%,264,%') and ((SoldOut=0 and IsSoldOut=0) or (SoldOut=0 and IsSoldOut=1 and 1725853551 between SStartTime and SEndTime))
错误代码:#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') as row_count from `products` where 1 and Attr REGEXP '"218":\[[0-9\,"]*"(16)"[' at line 1